Zac Talbott
Zac is a native of Eastern Tennessee, a Licensed Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselor (LADAC), Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW), and Qualified Clinical Supervisor (QCS) in the State of Tennessee. Concurrently, Zac holds the Certified Advanced Alcohol & Drug Counselor (CAADC), Medication Assisted Treatment Specialist (MATS), and Certified Clinical Supervisor (CCS) credentials in the State of Georgia. He is also certified as a Master Addiction Counselor (MAC) through the NCC AP. Most importantly, however, Zac is an individual in long-term, sustained recovery from prescription pain killer and heroin addiction. He credits the success of his recovery to comprehensive medication assisted treatment, and he is a passionate advocate for the inclusion of buprenorphine and methadone patients in the larger recovery community and fighting for their rights.
In 2015, Zac founded and operated outpatient opioid treatment programs (OTPs) in Georgia and North Carolina before being awarded a Certificate of Need to establish a new opioid treatment program in his hometown of Maryville, Tennessee. Although the assets of two of his treatment programs were acquired by BayMark Health Services, Zac continues to serve as President and CEO of Talbott Legacy Centers, operating comprehensive opioid treatment programs in Eastern Tennessee and North Georgia.
Zac serves as the current President of the National Alliance for Medication Assisted Recovery (NAMA Recovery), the oldest and largest national advocacy organization specifically focused on the rights of and advocacy for buprenorphine and methadone patients. Zac also currently serves as the President & Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Alcohol & Drug Abuse Certification Board of Georgia (ADACBGA), the Georgia IC&RC affiliate and statewide credentialing board for addiction and recovery professionals. He also serves on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Opioid Treatment Providers of Georgia (OTPG), the Georgia opioid treatment providers association and state chapter of the American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (AATOD). Zac has provided operational, policy, compliance, and clinical consulting for office based opioid treatment (OBOT) providers and opioid treatment programs (OTPs) across six U.S. states and is proficient in the behavioral health accreditation standards of The Joint Commission and CARF International. He has been sought after as a speaker for a variety of national, regional, and state-level conferences, and he has served as a Recovery Month Planning Partner since 2014.