Denver, CO | June 2-5, 2024


Skip the Monday morning line!

Arriving Sunday? We encourage you to consider visiting our registration table on the third floor from 3:00 - 5:00 PM MDT.

Grab your swag bag and enjoy some hang time with other guests before the night's events start.


RLS Agenda

If you plan to participate in the first day of events, we recommend arriving in Denver no later than 4 PM MDT. Activities kick off at 5:30 PM MDT!

Sun, 6/2
Mon, 6/3
Tue, 6/4
Wed, 6/5

7:00 AM MDT - 8:00 AM
Morning Wellness: Pranayama and Meditation
Mineral Lobby (Hyatt)
7:00 AM MDT - 9:00 AM
Registration (Wednesday)
Centennial Foyer (Hyatt)
7:00 AM MDT - 8:00 AM
Wednesday All Recovery Meeting
Centennial Ballroom G (Hyatt)
8:00 AM MDT - 9:00 AM
Wednesday Breakfast
Centennial Foyer (Hyatt)
9:00 AM MDT - 10:00 AM
A Conversation with Patrick J. Kennedy, Profiles in Mental Health
Centennial Ballroom D-E (Hyatt)
Presented by:Patrick J. Kennedy

Former Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy discusses his new book, Profiles in Mental Health Courage, which portrays the dramatic journeys of a diverse group of Americans who have struggled with mental health and addiction. The deeply compelling stories of the bravery and resilience of the individuals profiled, and their caregivers, will help heal and inspire in a way that is unprecedented, riveting, and rooted in humanity.  Congressman Kennedy will discuss the journey taken with his co-author Stephen Fried to create this inspirational work and how it drives him to push policy and attitudes forward.

10:00 AM MDT - 12:00 PM
Finding Pride and Resilience: A Panel Discussion on LGBTQ+ Addiction and Recovery
Centennial Ballroom D-E (Hyatt)

Join us for a powerful conversation exploring the unique experiences and triumphs of LGBTQ+ individuals on the path to recovery. This panel discussion will bring together diverse voices from the LGBTQ+ addiction recovery community in a celebration of Pride Month. This panel is for anyone seeking to understand and support LGBTQ+ individuals recovering from addiction. It's also a space for those in recovery to connect, share experiences, and celebrate their strength. Don't miss this opportunity to learn, be inspired, and contribute to creating a more inclusive and supportive recovery environment for all.

12:00 PM MDT - 1:00 PM
Wednesday Lunch
Centennial Foyer (Hyatt)